Month: April 2024

Littering is bad for our environment


Whenever you litter it can kill some of the sea animals like Bryde’s whales which are nearly extinct. We only have 200 left in our Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. We need to save them because this is the only place in New Zealand where they live and so we need to make sure their environment is clear of plastic and rubbish.

When we throw away rubbish and it’s not in a bin the wind can blow it into the drains and take it to the sea. This pollutes our water and is dangerous for our sea animals. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a place in the ocean where there is so much plastic that just goes around and around trapping animals and even killing them because they drown in all the plastic. 

We have collected about 93 pieces of rubbish every day at school. That is amazing because we are keeping it from getting into our ocean. I feel proud but we still need to tell others how to recycle, reduce, reuse and refuse ‘one use plastics’ so that we can save our oceans.